Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Great Poetry Race is Here! This week, the fourth grade will participate in the first “Great Poetry Race.” Your child's challenge is to read "Jabberwocky," by Lewis Carroll, to as many adults as possible throughout the week. After your child reads the poem, his or her “audience” must sign the back of the poem. The goal of "The Great Poetry Race," is to read to as many different adults as possible. Therefore, only one signature per adult, per night will be allowed, as well as only one signature per reading. For example, in order to get a signature from two people listening at the same time, the student would need to read the poem twice. Feel free to call relatives or family friends, and have your child read to them over the phone! Just be sure to sign for that person. On Friday, December 16, students will participate in an optional “Fourth Grade Poetry Slam,” and the students with the most signatures will receive special recognition for their achievement!
Our annual Middle School Parent Night is this Wednesday, December 14, at 6:00 pm in the playroom. Many Optional Schools will be in attendance, such as White Station, Ridgeway, Colonial, and Snowden. Christ the King Lutheran School, Collegiate School, St. Anne's on Highland, St.Mary's, St. Agnes, St. Dominic, Woodland, and possibly Lausanne School, will be in attendance as well. All fourth and fifth grade parents and students are welcome.
I would like to extend a special thank you to Ms. Van Dyke for organizing our field trip to hear The Messiah.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The fourth grade team is focusing on improving our students’ reading fluency. Reading fluency is when children are able to read quickly and accurately with expression. Research shows that when students read texts multiple times, their fluency increases. This in turn improves comprehension or understanding of what has been read. Because fluency leads to comprehension, fluent readers enjoy reading more than students who devote all their energy to sounding out words.

Beginning Tuesday, November 29, 2011, your child will receive one poem each week. As a part of their daily homefun they will you to listen to them read the poem three times. This is called Repeated Reading. We encourage you to read the poem with them! Encourage your child to read with prosody, expression, and have fun with it! Sign the back of your child’s poem each night, and feel free to make a comment as well!

Once a month, the students will participate the The Great Poetry Race. Your child's goal will be to read the poem to as many adults as possible throughout the week. After your child reads the poem, his or her "audience" must sign the back of the poem sheet. The goal is to read to as many different adults as possible, so only one signature per adult per night will be allowed. Also, only one signature per reading. For example, in order to get a signature from two people listening at the same time, the student would need to read the poem twice. Feel free to call relatives or family friends and your child can read to them over the phone! You can “sign” for that person. At the end of " The Great Poetry Race," students will participate in an optional Poetry Slam, and the students with the most signatures will receive recognition for their achievement!


Tuesday, Nov 29- Red Ribbon Day "Sock it to Drugs"

Wear red shirts and crazy socks

Wednesday, Nov 30- Walk for a Healthy Body Day

Walk-a-thon during P.E.

Wear jersey from any sport you participate in and uniform pants

Thursday, Dec 1- Healthy Spirit Day

Wear Campus School spirit shirt and jeans

U of M Marching Band


Friday, Dec 2- Confucius Classroom Dedication and Reception

Campus School Playroom: 8am

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful every day for the opportunity to work with each and every child in our fourth grade class. I want to wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder
No one has ever become poor from giving ~ Ann Frank
Last Friday the students visited Engineer Day on Campus. During E-Day, the Herff College of Engineering opened its doors to the students and the community, where displays, demonstrations, lab tours, competitions and more revealed the wide world of engineering. A special thanks to Dr. Ivey, fourth grader Noah Ivey's mom, for getting Campus School involved in this special event! Our fourth grade students had a wonderful time and learned a great deal as well!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

This Week!

I hope all of you have are having a lovely weekend. Below are a few things to keep in mind this week!
  • The students will take their second Discovery Assessments on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Make sure the students get plenty of rest this week so that they may do their personal best on the assessments!
  • Friday the students will not only get another visit from the Philosophy Department, but they will visit the Engineering Department as well! The students will take a tour of several competetion between several schools. Some of the competitions include flash building, lego robotics, KNEX, and transportation. It is sure to be an exciting morning!
  • Thanksgiving break is November 23-27

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Way to go Ms. Mitchell's class! You guys did a phenomenal job at Family Gathering! Thanks to all who were able to attend! Just a few reminders!
Tuesday, November 1 - Friday, November 11: CSPN Cookie Dough Fundraiser Thursday, November 3: Fall Fest 6:00pm Tuesday, November 8: Chick-Fil-A Night Thursday, November 17: Domino's Dough Night Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School) THINK SHOW AND FAMILY MATH NIGHT ON NOVEMBER 10th HAVE BEEN CANCELED In addtion to EPGY Math and Law, Reading Pus will need to be complete for Homefun as well. Reading Plus will be due on Fridays. Please note that lesson completed on Fridays and Saturdays WILL NOT COUNT toward Homefun. However student who wish to get extra reading comprehension practice may complete sessions any time they want. To access the program, follow these instructions: Go to Click on Student Login The site code is campusschool Click on Mitchell and find your name Your password is your EPGY number Make sure you complete the entire session I highly encourage all parents to have their children complete more than the minimum one lesson per week. This is an amazing test prep and reading comprehension program, and is the next best thing to having a free tutor in your home 24 hours a day! (If you do not have home access to the Internet, please send a note to class by Tuesday).
Our class did a phenomenal job last week at Family Gathering! Thanks to all who were able to attend! They looked amazing!
Just a reminder about a few upcoming events... Tuesday, November 1 - Friday, November 11: CSPN Cookie Dough Fundraiser Thursday, November 3: Fall Fest 6:00pm Tuesday, November 8: Chick-Fil-A Night Thursday, November 17: Domino's Dough Night Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School) Think Show and Family Math Night on November 10th have been cancelled. In addition to EPGY Math and LAW, Reading Plus will need to be completed by Thursday morning. Please note that lessons completed on Fridays or Saturdays WILL NOT COUNT toward Homefun. However, students who wish to get extra reading comprehension practice may complete sessions any time they want. To access the program, follow these instructions: Go to Click on Student Login. The site code is campusschool. Click on Shadow and find your name. Your password is your EPGY number. Make sure to complete the ENTIRE lesson. I highly encourage all parents to have their children complete more than the minimum one lesson per week. This is an amazing test prep and reading comprehension program, and is the next best thing to having a free tutor in your home 24 hours a day! (If you do not have home access to the Internet, please send a note to class by Tuesday).

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I hope that everyone enjoyed their Fall Break! I am excited to see everyone and get things rolling! Our class will be in charge of Family Gathering the week we return from Fall Break! We hope to see all of you Friday, October 29 at 8:00 as our class presents the life skill: Integrity! We are fortunate to have a new online reading program available to all 4-5th graders. The program is called Reading Plus. It will test your child's reading and vocabulary level and then create an intervention program to meet their needs. This program may be used at home anytime. To access it go to Click on Student Login. The site code is campusschool. (You will only need to enter this code once on any computer you choose to use.) Your child's password is his/her EPGY number. This program is user friendly and will become part of our weekly homefun.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Elmwood, Brooks, and Tiger Tour!!

Tiger Tour Last Friday, the students were rewarded with a Tiger tour! Each Tiger statue, which is based off the measurements of TOM II, is made of fiberglass and stands about 6 feet high, 3 feet wide, 9 feet long and weighs about 600 pounds. Brooks Museum Last Thursday, the fourth grade classes visited the Brooks Museum. In the gallery, students practiced communication skills when they analyzed paintings and discussed narrative and story sequencing. In the studio, students experimented with crayons and watercolor to create a three-part story sequence inspired by a painting in the museum's collection. Elmwood Cemetery is a journey through the past! Last Friday your children learned the history of Memphis through the stories of Elmwood residents. Our docent explained a stunning collection of monuments. The children also met the city fathers, early mayors and every day citizens that helped shape the history of the Bluff City.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Week

Congratulations Ms. Mitchell's fourth grade for a phenomenal Family Gathering! The students' worked so hard on every aspect of the performance and deserve a round of applause! Way to go guys!I am very proud of all of you!
A Few Updates...
  • Students will take three timed multiplication quizzes this week. The "timed factor" is important, because students need to be fluent in their multiplication facts - in other words, they need to know them backwards and forwards! It is imperative that you work with your child, in order to help them with this important skill.
  • The fourth grade teachers recently met to discuss our Wordly Wise curriculum. This year, we have decided to integrate Wordly Wise into our Daily 5 reading curriculum, and eliminate the spelling portion of our weekly Wordly Wise assessment. It is important that students are working hard to spell words accurately on a daily basis, instead of solely studying them for a weekly spelling test. Another big change from last year, is that students will complete weekly Wordly Wise "Tic Tac Toe" vocabulary activities during class, rather than as Homefun.
  • On Thursday, September 29th, we are going to the Brooks Museum! If you are driving, please be prepared to depart Campus School @ 11:30am. We will return to school around 10:30am.
  • On Friday, September 30, we will visit the Elmwood Cemetery! Our reservation is from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Please be prepared to depart Campus School @ 9:30 am. We will have lunch in the picnic area after our tour, and then we will return to Campus School @ 12:40pm.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grandparents Day, Brooks Museum of Art, and much more!

Wow! We had a busy and fun-filled week with Grandparents Day, Picture Day, and visit from the Brooks Museum and tons of learning! The Memphis Brooks Museum of Art visited the fourth grade this week. Its Art in the Basic Curriculum (ABC) program is a partnership between the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art and twenty elementary schools in the city of Memphis. It provides art education to fourth- and fifth-graders enrolled in Memphis City and Jubilee schools. Ms. Molly was a hit with our students and they enjoyed creating their dream museum corner exhibits.
Don't forget that this Friday is our 100th year celebration! It is also our class' Family Gathering! The life skill to be presented is "Understanding Self and Others". Come and join us for not one but two performances! (8:15 & 12:00) Hope to see you there!
Grandparents Day Our annual Grandparents Day luncheon is an annual event at Campus School that honors guests, grandparents, and other seniors and seeks to strengthen relationships between the generations. Many parents also attended this special day:-)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Intersession, School Pictures and more...

This week the fourth grades classes had the opportunity to tan leather and make bookmarks. Our guest from the Tandy Leather Company provided a wonderful hands-on lesson!!!
  • Please go to
  • and click the Fall Interssesion link to print off a registration form.
  • Registration: September 15 and 16 Time: 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
  • Cost: $70 per session. Payment is due at registration and is non-refundable. PAYMENT MUST BE MADE IN CASH ONLY.
  • Classes will be assigned on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Please turn in your child’s completed registration form at the intersession registration table located in the hall near the school office. DO NOT SEND IT WITH YOUR CHILD OR TO THE TEACHER!
  • School pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 15th. Please remember that you MUST PAY FOR YOUR CHILD'S PICTURE IN ADVANCE to have a school picture taken.
  • The Confucius Institute at the University of Memphis (CIUM) will begin to teach Chinese to the children at Campus School next week..
  • Next week we will begin giving timed weekly graded assements on multiplication facts. Students without fluent recall of multiplication facts will find it difficult to carry out any computations that include multiplication facts (e.g. long multiplication), find factors of numbers, put fractions in lowest terms,etc.
  • Please work with your child by practicing this important concept.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ancient Civilizations and Chocolate:)

This year marks the 100th year that Campus School has been open! In celebration, a reception inviting students, teachers, and friends - both from today and days gone by - will take place on Friday, September 23rd. To help make this special occasion even more memorable, we are all going "back in time," to pay tribute to where we have come from! Our class has been assigned the years 1921-1930. Your child received a set of detailed instructions on blue paper, that describes his/her part in this project. Please be aware that this project is due next Friday, September 9. Students will be responsible for researching one of the following: music from the time period, historical events, media, or costs of living. (Each student will randomly pick out of a hat tomorrow afternoon). After researching, students will be required to create a one paragraph narrative, as well as one artifact. The "rough draft" of the narrative should return to school on Friday ready to be published - this means that they will need some editing and revising assistance from you! :-) Students can create more than one artifact if they choose to do so, however, they need to be of "museum quality." The artifacts may be printed, hand drawn, or a combination of both. Remember, please have your child's narrative "publishing ready," on Friday, as we will be completing the final touches to our projects during the school day.
Don't forget that our class' first Family Gathering will be the Cenntenial Celebration, Friday, September 23rd. We will have two performances, one in the morning and one in the afternoon!:)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekly Update

Our class participation in our CSPN drive is at just 50%. Please consider donating so that we may raise our class percentage. If we reach 100% the children will be able to wear jeans to school!!!:)
The Campus School Parent Network (CSPN) is the volunteer parent organization at Campus School. Our mission is to foster a sense of community within the Campus School by:
*providing community-building events and services for the students
*providing parental involvement *providing information and serving as liaison to parents and students *raising funds to facilitate the operation of the Campus School
  • It’s EPGY time! Students will need to complete one Stanford Math session and one Stanford LAW session for Homefun each week. In order for your child to receive credit, they will need to stay on the program for a full 20 minute session, and both sessions will need to be completed by Thursday morning. The students are welcome to come to school at 7:30am if they do not have access to a computer, or if they are experiencing computer trouble.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekly Update

  • As you all know, we have started collecting donations for the CSPN fundraiser. If you would like to donate, please send cash or a check in an envelope with your child's name on the outside. Our class will earn a jeans day if we reach 100% parent participation! I know we can do it!!
  • Also, don't forget about our Entertainment Books fundraiser. The fundraiser concludes this Friday, August 26. Remember, if you do not purchase your child's 2011-2012 Entertainment Book, it MUST come back on Friday. The 2010-2011 version that went home is yours to keep!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fourth Grade Happenings

Thanks to all of you who were able to attend Parent Night! The PowerPoint presentation was sent to everyone via email - please let me know if you did not receive it. Working together will definitely make this year one to remember! This week the students will begin learning all about famous Tennesseans. Monday your child will be assigned a person to begin researching. Use this week to help your child find materials on their famous Tennessean. By Wednesday students will be required to have read about, and bring in at least two research materials from different sources (i.e. articles from different Internet sites, books from the library, encyclopdia excerpts, etc.). This Wednesday the students will begin to write narratives based on the research they have conducted this week. Please help your child read and outline/highlight important facts they can use when writing their narratives in class.

Fourth Grade Happenings

Sunday, August 7, 2011

  • I can't believe our first week of school has already come and gone! I hope to see everyone at Parent Night on Thursday, August 11, from 6:00pm - 6:45pm. This meeting will help to clarify our classroom procedures, as well as the changes that come with being a 4th grader at Campus School. I understand how crucial it is to work together in order to ensure the success of your child. With this in mind, I look forward to working with each and every one of you over the course of this year, and encourage you to stop by our classroom whenever you are able. This week the children completed their Hopes and Dreams for fourth grade. They will be on display for all to see Thursday night!
Now for a few housekeeping items.... 1. We sent home registration packets (large brown envelope) with students on Thursday. Please fill out these forms and return them as soon as possible. They are due by Friday, August 12. 2. We are requesting a $25.00 fee for Arts in the School, planners, TCAP prep books, and various support materials that will be used throughout the year. Checks may be made payable to CSPN.

Monday, May 23, 2011

  • Thank you to all the parents who were able to come Friday for the PowerPoint Presentations! The students took a lot of pride in their work, and it was so great for them to share that with everyone!!!
  • Our whole class has either met thier AR goal or surpassed their AR goal!!! WOW!!! All students will be rewarded on Thursday with either a hotdog or hamburger at the AR cookout! Way to go!
  • The students have been working hard on division, and we are finally starting to see the light! Thanks for all the support at home! Please continue to practice those multiplication facts!
  • We still have some volunteer opportunities available for the End of the Year Field Trip. Please check out our Wikipage to see how you can help.

Upcoming Dates: Thursday May 26th - AR Cookout Monday, May 30th - Memorial Day-No School Tuesday, May 31st - End of the Year Field Trip Friday, June 3rd - Spring Fling Saturday, June 4th - Last Day of School 9:00-1:00

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This Week...

  • Our End of the Year Field Trip is quickly approaching. We have many ways in which you can volunteer. Please visit our wikipage below to see how you can help!
  • This coming Friday, we would like to invite you to come listen to our Animal PowerPoint Presentations. We will have lunch at 11:55 and start our presentations around 12:15.
  • Upcoming Dates:
    • May 20th: Animal PowerPoint Presentation 11:45-12:35
    • May 30th: Memorial Day - No School
    • May 31st: End of the Year Field Trip
    • June 3rd: Spring Fling
    • June 4th: Last Day of School 9-1

Monday, May 9, 2011

  • I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. The students enjoyed decorating frames in your honor!
  • Also, we would like to invite all parents to lunch on Friday, May 20th. The students have been working on animal PowerPoints and they would like to take this opportunity to present it to you. Our lunch is 11:55-12:25.
  • End of the year field trip forms went home on Friday. Please take the time to sign and return the permission form along with the $7 cash.
  • Upcoming Dates: May 12th: UC Lunch May 20th: Animal PowerPoint Presentation 11:55-12:25 May 30th: Memorial Day - No School May 31st: End of the Year Field Trip June 3rd: Spring Fling June 4th: Last Day of School 9-1

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This Week

Last week's Think Show was a huge success! If you haven't had time to stop by our classroom display, try to come in this week and see the students' works of art.
EPGY will resume this week. The students are required to complete one Math and one LAW by Friday. As always, the classroom will be available at 7:30 each morning for students who have computer issues at home.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weekly Update

Thank you everyone that participated in Go Green Week. I know we all had a lot of fun learning ways we can help our environment.
I'm sure everyone is excited about the Redbirds Field Trip this week! Directions and details have been sent to chaperones. Please remember to wear Tiger Blue on Tuesday.
ThinkShow is also this week. The country brochures look amazing and it is clear all of the students put a lot of hard work into them. I know the jurors will be impressed with all the talent in third grade! Please remember, narratives are due by Tuesday. The directions and a sample were sent home Friday and I also emailed them out. It is important that we have them Tuesday to set up for ThinkShow. As a class, we have been working on our hallway display for ThinkShow.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I cannot brag enough about how great our students did this past week! They worked so hard, and I know they did an awesome job! Thanks to all the parents for your hard work as well! It defeinately takes a village! I have posted some picture below of the fun festivities we did during the week! I will get more up ASAP!!
Upcoming April Dates: Country Brochure Project Due: April 18th Go Green Week: April 18-21 (Letters went home with daily activities) Spring Fling: April 21st Good Friday - No School: April 22nd Snow Day Make-Up: April 25th Redbirds Field Trip: April 26th Think Show: April 28th

Monday, April 11, 2011


This is it! We've been working so hard, and the kids are READY, READY, READY to RULE the TCAP!!!

There are many things you can do as a parent right at home to help your child feel confident about this upcoming week. 1. Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep the night before the tests. Adequate sleep will help your child stay alert and focus their attention.

2. Have your child eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test. Eating the right foods helps your child maintain the energy he or she needs to focus on a test.

3. Encourage your child to think positively about testing by focusing on what they already know. Some scientists believe that positive thinking can help students' brains perform better during stressful situations, such as testing.

4. Help eliminate discomfort and distractions by having your child dress comfortably on the day of the tests. They may want to bring a sweater because the AC will be running.

Upcoming April Dates: Country Brochure Project Due: April 18th Spring Fling: April 21st Good Friday - No School: April 22nd Snow Day Make-Up: April 25th Redbirds Field Trip: April 26th Think Show: April 28th

Sunday, April 3, 2011

  • Thank you so much for your support at home! Your hard work and efforts at home are allowing the students to master several concepts! Keep it up!
  • Please return the TCAP Snack sign-up sheet as early as possible, and again thank you for all of your help! The kiddos are going to love the treats in between tests!

Upcoming Dates in April: Report Cards Go Home: April 6th Awards Assembly: April 7th @ 8:00am Report Cards Due Back: April 8th TCAP: April 11-15 Country Brochure Project Due: April 18th Good Friday - No School: April 22nd Snow Day Make-Up: April 25th Redbirds Field Trip: April 26th Think Show: April 28th

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This Week...

  • The students did such an amazing job on their Family Gathering last Friday! The halls were full of compliments, and they kiddos deserve it! They worked very hard all week long, put on a fantastic presentation, and shared a powerful message with the whole school! You guys are great!!!
  • Check out the following website to view pictures from our Nature Trek with Mr. Eric Bridges. They students had a fun, hands-on learning experience with plants and microscopes. Big thanks to both Mr. and Mrs. Bridges!

We are continuing our preparations for TCAP. This week, the children will be bringing home a practice TCAP book for home fun. They will be assigned different sections each evening. We strongly encourage you to check over your child's work with them as well as help them with any questions they are struggling with. There will be NO EPGY home fun this week.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

!!Welcome Back!!

  • I hope you and your family had a wonderful Spring Break.
  • Our class will present this week's Family Gathering! I encourage all parents, grandparents, and friends to come and check out what we have to share!
  • It's almost here...TCAP! We have three weeks of review and prep left. Soon we will be sending home information to help you assist your child in TCAP preparations. Please look through the material and let me know if you have any questions.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

This Week...

NEW VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY There is a new volunteer opportunity available in the CSPN Volunteer Central section! Head over to the CSPN-ZONE in the right frame of each page and click on the link CSPN Volunteer Central on Wikispaces. We are getting ready for March Madness and T-CAPs and need your help!
Think Show On Wednesday, the students will be coming home with information about their next Think Show Project. The projects will correspond with our Cultural Night at school which will be April 28th. The project will be due April 18th.
SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL SURVEY Dear Campus School Parents, A Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant application is being prepared for Campus School. If awarded a SRTS program grant, the City of Memphis will receive funds to make infrastructure improvements that will increase pedestrian safety in the vicinity of Campus School, to provide additional pedestrian/bicycle education to our students, and to encourage healthy and active more on our News and Information page @

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Week...

  • No School on Monday, February 21st -- Teacher In-Service
  • Congratulations to the Campus School Book Fair! We raised over $9,300!
  • School picture day is Thursday, February 24th. We have learned some new information. Lifetouch will be photographing students and printing packages for students bringing in payment on or before Portrait Day. They will be taking both group and individual pictures. The group informational flyer went home last week. The individual informational flyer will go home on Tuesday. If you are interested in both group and individual pictures, you will need to send money in with both flyers separately.
  • Jump Rope for Heart is coming up on March 4th. If you would like your child to participate, please send in the permission slip.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February News...

TCAP Practice Tests

Sample test items and short-form and full length practice tests for the TCAP can be found here: Practice Tests are full-length containing the same number of test items per content area that would be found on the actual Achievement Test taken in the Spring. The design and layout of the Practice Tests are similar to the actual test to better familiarize students with the test format. TCAP testing dates April 11-15.

Upcoming Events February 14th – 18th : Scholastic Book Fair February 16: CiCi’s Family Night February 17: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night February 21: No School

Jump Rope for Heart Please sign and return your child’s Jump Rope for Heart Permission slip. Jump Rope For Heart promotes the value of physical activity to elementary schoolchildren while showing them they can contribute to their community's welfare. This is a time when children can establish the foundation for movement skills. These are also the years when positive learning experiences can help establish a positive attitude and appreciation for participating in regular, daily physical activity for life.

Black History Month Celebrate Black History Month with your children this February, and spend some extra time learning about the extraordinary accomplishments of African-Americans. Read more on FamilyEducation:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

This Week

  • Please work on multiplication facts with your child at home. We will continue to take "mixed up facts" quizzes once a week. The quizzes are 40 questions and the students have 4 minutes to complete them.
  • Upcoming Dates: February 8th: Chick-fil-A Night February 14th: Valentine Party--1:30 -2:30 February 14th-18th: Scholastic Book Fair February 16th: CiCi's Family Night February 17th: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night February 18th: Johnson Family Gathering--Commitment February 21st: No School! -- Teacher In-Service 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's Going On

BLACK HISTORY MONTH Celebrate Black History Month with your children this February, and spend some extra time learning about the extraordinary accomplishments of African-Americans. Read more on FamilyEducation: SPRING INTERSESSION The Spring 2011 Intersession Catalog is now on our school website,! You will find the course schedule and course information, as well as links to download both the Application Form and the Scholarship Request Form. UPCOMING EVENTS January 25: Slave Haven Field Trip February 8: Chick-fil-A Night February 14-18: Scholastic Book Fair February 16: CiCi’s Family Night February 17: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night February 21: No School

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This Week in 3rd Grade...

  • I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day!
  • Citizen projects are now due on Monday, January 24th.
  • Our field trip to the Burkle Estate is Tuesday, January 25th. We will leave school at 12:30pm and return around 2:15pm. All chaperones should be at school at 12:30pm.

  • Upcoming Events: January 25: Burkle Estate Field Trip February 8: Chick-fil-A Night February 16: CiCi’s Family Night February 17: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night February 21: No School

Sunday, January 16, 2011

This Week..

  • Great job on working through those mulitplication facts! Since the students have been working so hard, I am pushing back our deadline to Wednesday, January 26. This gives the students 7 school days to get through their facts. YOU CAN DO IT! After the deadline, the students will begin taking weekly Mixed-Up Multiplication Facts" quizzes. Please continue to practice multiplication facts together every day, until your child knows them “backwards and forwards!” Practicing multiplication facts daily will not only increase students’ confidence with division skills, it will also set them up for success when they begin their “Mixed-Up Multiplication Facts” quiz this week.
  • Our field trip to the Burkle Estate is scheduled for Tuesday, January 25th.
  • Please make a note that Family Fun Night, which was scheduled for January 20th, has been cancelled. Also, please be advised that the make-up day for our snow day on Monday, January 10 will be Friday, June 3. Should we have another snow day, the make-up day will be Monday, April 25, which is the day after Easter.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

3rd Grade News

  • Our field trip to the Burkle Estate is scheduled for January 25th. We currently only have two parents signed up to drive. Unfortunately, we will only be able to make the trip if we have enough parent drivers to accommodate the whole class. Please check your schedules to see if you can join us. (If you can drive and have not already registered in the library on the computer, please do that as soon as possible.)
  • Citizen Projects are due January 21st.
  • Report Cards go home on Wednesday, January 12th.
  • Awards Assembly on Thursday, January 13th at 8:10.
  • Report Cards are due back on Friday, January 14th.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

  • Welcome Back! I hope your family had a joyous holiday break. We have lots of learning and growing to do in 2011.
  • Time to get started...
  • The EPGY Challenge is due Monday, January 3rd. This was an optional activity, though highly encouraged. :) In order to be entered in the drawing and receive a home fun pass, the students need to complete 9 sessions of EPGY math by Monday.
  • Also, when we return from break, the students are going to have 2 weeks (10 school days) to complete the multiplication facts through 12. This will require lots of practice at home and at school. Please practice with your child daily. I am sure they can tell you what facts they are on.
  • Finally, we have a new addition to EPGY! There is now a LAW(Language Arts and Writing) component. Starting our first week back, the students will now be required to complete one Math and one LAW session at home each week by Friday morning. The students are welcome to come to school at 7:30 if they have computer troubles.
  • Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!