Friday, September 19, 2014

Parent Teacher Conferences

Please visit the link below to sign up for conferences. These are mandatory in the first quarter. Thank you for your attention to this.

Make sure you check out the Pictures, Native American Project, and Being There Experiences tabs. There are some wonderful pictures of your children! :)

Friday, September 12, 2014


WOW! Our Being There Experience was outstanding! The kids really enjoyed themselves, and it was so great to hear all of the connections and discoveries they made. I would like to send a big THANK YOU to all of the chaperones who were able to attend.

All Native American Projects are due next MONDAY. Projects that are turned in late will have 10 points deducted for each day they are not turned in. Although the projects are due Monday, not all students will present on Monday. So that we can continue making progress with the content, we will have about 3-5 project presentations per day.

The students have Homefun this week in reading. All students received this information today, and the assignment is due next WEDNESDAY.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thank You, Progress Reports, and Reminders

I would like to send a big THANK YOU to all of the parents who were able to help with Grandparent's Day! It was a huge success, and it was so nice seeing all of the students with their families.

Today a manila envelope will be going home with your child containing his/her progress reports for each subject. Please review the assessments and sign the graded printout sheet for each content area. Please return the envelope, assessments, and signed printout no later than Wednesday, September 10 to your child's homeroom teacher. In addition, your child will come home with his/her reading journal for you to sign and return on Monday. It is important the journals return to school on Monday, as these are used daily in the classroom. 

Picture Day is September 11. Your child does not have to wear a school uniform, but their outfit must be school appropriate.

Our first "Being There Experience" is next Friday, September 12. Don't forget to send in a sack lunch. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to chaperone. Please send in a copy of your driver's license and insurance if you have not already done so.

Mark your calendars! Our Family Gathering presentation is October 31 on Growth.

If you have any old newspapers that you would be willing to part with, Mrs. Caldwell is going to do a lesson in a couple weeks and she is need some newspaper.