Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekly Update

Our class participation in our CSPN drive is at just 50%. Please consider donating so that we may raise our class percentage. If we reach 100% the children will be able to wear jeans to school!!!:)
The Campus School Parent Network (CSPN) is the volunteer parent organization at Campus School. Our mission is to foster a sense of community within the Campus School by:
*providing community-building events and services for the students
*providing parental involvement *providing information and serving as liaison to parents and students *raising funds to facilitate the operation of the Campus School
  • It’s EPGY time! Students will need to complete one Stanford Math session and one Stanford LAW session for Homefun each week. In order for your child to receive credit, they will need to stay on the program for a full 20 minute session, and both sessions will need to be completed by Thursday morning. The students are welcome to come to school at 7:30am if they do not have access to a computer, or if they are experiencing computer trouble.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekly Update

  • As you all know, we have started collecting donations for the CSPN fundraiser. If you would like to donate, please send cash or a check in an envelope with your child's name on the outside. Our class will earn a jeans day if we reach 100% parent participation! I know we can do it!!
  • Also, don't forget about our Entertainment Books fundraiser. The fundraiser concludes this Friday, August 26. Remember, if you do not purchase your child's 2011-2012 Entertainment Book, it MUST come back on Friday. The 2010-2011 version that went home is yours to keep!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fourth Grade Happenings

Thanks to all of you who were able to attend Parent Night! The PowerPoint presentation was sent to everyone via email - please let me know if you did not receive it. Working together will definitely make this year one to remember! This week the students will begin learning all about famous Tennesseans. Monday your child will be assigned a person to begin researching. Use this week to help your child find materials on their famous Tennessean. By Wednesday students will be required to have read about, and bring in at least two research materials from different sources (i.e. articles from different Internet sites, books from the library, encyclopdia excerpts, etc.). This Wednesday the students will begin to write narratives based on the research they have conducted this week. Please help your child read and outline/highlight important facts they can use when writing their narratives in class.

Fourth Grade Happenings

Sunday, August 7, 2011

  • I can't believe our first week of school has already come and gone! I hope to see everyone at Parent Night on Thursday, August 11, from 6:00pm - 6:45pm. This meeting will help to clarify our classroom procedures, as well as the changes that come with being a 4th grader at Campus School. I understand how crucial it is to work together in order to ensure the success of your child. With this in mind, I look forward to working with each and every one of you over the course of this year, and encourage you to stop by our classroom whenever you are able. This week the children completed their Hopes and Dreams for fourth grade. They will be on display for all to see Thursday night!
Now for a few housekeeping items.... 1. We sent home registration packets (large brown envelope) with students on Thursday. Please fill out these forms and return them as soon as possible. They are due by Friday, August 12. 2. We are requesting a $25.00 fee for Arts in the School, planners, TCAP prep books, and various support materials that will be used throughout the year. Checks may be made payable to CSPN.