Friday, February 26, 2016

Writing Workshop

This week the students will experience a writing workshop! Our focus will include writing informational/expository pieces of work as well as analytical summaries. We will focus on tearing apart prompts to get to the root of the question, using graphic organizers to develop our ideas, and adding transitional words and phrases to our work to make it a more effective.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Wrapping Up With Bud, Not Buddy

The students will wrap up their novel study, Bud, Not Buddy, this week. As we finish the novel, the students will apply their knowledge of the elements of plot to determine the rising actions, climax, falling actions, and resolution of this novel. They will also dig deeper into the use of figurative language and symbolism used throughout the book while harnessing the use of synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. All of the students have been extremely engaged in this unit. The Great Depression Project has truly given them the schema needed to understand the main character, Bud, as well as the era of the setting. I am excited to see how their projects, which are due MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29th, show their learning.