Friday, January 30, 2015

Writing Homefun

Part of the students’ Homefun this week is to complete their current persuasive writing assignment. All of the students must complete the essay according to the outline below. The students have until Wednesday, February 11th to turn in this assignment. The students’ work is located in their Gaggle account, and I have attached their most recent additions to this document as well. I have included their Gaggle usernames below in case they forget. There are also step by step instructions to access and submit their paper in case they forget. If for some reason the students are unable to access their account, they can hand write the remainder of their paper.

  • Type in
  • Click on the Gaggle icon
  • Click Classes
  • Choose the appropriate Homeroom Literacy
  • On the left side of the page, click Assignments
  • Click My Submissions
  • Choose the most recent submission by date
  • Save your document in Word
  • Return to Gaggle
  • Click Submit Assignment
  • Click the paper clip icon
  • You can either find your document to attach or drag and drop your document
  • Submit by clicking the blue paper airplane icon
  • If there are any problems re-submitting, you can email your work to Mrs. Cassidy.

  1.  Introduction Paragraph
    1. Hook
      Does your opening sentence grab the reader’s attention?
    2. List three arguments that will be discussed in body.
    3. Thesis statement
      What is the main goal of your essay?
  2. Body
    1. Paragraph 2
      Discuss first argument.
    2. Paragraph 3
      Discuss second argument.
    3. Paragraph 4
      Discuss third argument.
  3. Counter Argument
    1. Explain counter argument.
    2. Prove it wrong.
  4. Conclusion
    1. Summarize topics discussed in essay.
    2. Write an ending statement that leaves the reader wanting more.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


In the mid-1800s, when most girls are not allowed to have jobs, Charlotte Parkhurst disguises herself as a boy in order to work with horses. She goes by the name of "Charley" and keeps her true identity a secret. Years later, "Charley" moves from Rhode Island to an area near Sacramento, California. There, she and her friends, James and Frank, drive horse-drawn stagecoaches for a living. Suddenly, a bad accident leaves Charlotte partially blind. Now with only one good eye left, Charlotte must relearn how to drive a coach.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


"Mother Dear, one day I'm going to turn this world upside down."
Long before he became a world-famous dreamer, Martin Luther King Jr. was a little boy who played jokes and practiced the piano and made friends without considering race. But growing up in the segregated south of the 1930s taught young Martin a bitter lesson -- little white children and little black children were not to play with one another. Martin decided then and there that something had to be done. And so he began the journey that would change the course of American history.

This Week

The students will wrap up our discussion on text features and homophones this week. Thursday, the student will read the text above as well as complete an illustrated main idea mobile. Ms. Quigley and I are looking forward to seeing their final products!

MIST Writing Assessment

At the end of February, the students will take the MIST writing assessment. In preparation for this task, the students will spend every Friday with me in the Computer Lab. We are currently working on a six paragraph persuasive/opinion essay. The students will be required to read two articles and write one essay. They may be asked to write an opinion essay or explanatory essay that compare and contrasts the two articles. Your child can practice their typing skills at home using the Typing Club link at the top of my blog. I would also recommend reading non-fiction (science based) articles. Then have your child write summaries and compare two related articles.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Life and Times of the Ant

Not mighty in size, but mighty in resourcefulness and industry, the ant has crawled the earth since prehistoric times. It has dwelt in rainforest tree trunks and acorns of oak trees, beneath logs, and under sidewalks. It has protected forests by capturing insects, cleared weeds away from acacia trees, and by growing gardens has released important nutrients into the soil. Seed lifters, dirt diggers, social beings, ants have the most advanced brain of all insects! So watch where you step, especially on a warm day: a small but mighty ant may be underfoot.


  • Pre-registration forms went home with your child last week. Please return this document to me by January 16, 2015.
  • Report cards will go home Wednesday, January 14 and are due back Friday, January 16th.