Sunday, October 23, 2011

I hope that everyone enjoyed their Fall Break! I am excited to see everyone and get things rolling! Our class will be in charge of Family Gathering the week we return from Fall Break! We hope to see all of you Friday, October 29 at 8:00 as our class presents the life skill: Integrity! We are fortunate to have a new online reading program available to all 4-5th graders. The program is called Reading Plus. It will test your child's reading and vocabulary level and then create an intervention program to meet their needs. This program may be used at home anytime. To access it go to Click on Student Login. The site code is campusschool. (You will only need to enter this code once on any computer you choose to use.) Your child's password is his/her EPGY number. This program is user friendly and will become part of our weekly homefun.