The fourth grade team is focusing on improving our students’ reading fluency. Reading fluency is when children are able to read quickly and accurately with expression. Research shows that when students read texts multiple times, their fluency increases. This in turn improves comprehension or understanding of what has been read. Because fluency leads to comprehension, fluent readers enjoy reading more than students who devote all their energy to sounding out words.
Beginning Tuesday, November 29, 2011, your child will receive one poem each week. As a part of their daily homefun they will you to listen to them read the poem three times. This is called Repeated Reading. We encourage you to read the poem with them! Encourage your child to read with prosody, expression, and have fun with it! Sign the back of your child’s poem each night, and feel free to make a comment as well!
Once a month, the students will participate the The Great Poetry Race. Your child's goal will be to read the poem to as many adults as possible throughout the week. After your child reads the poem, his or her "audience" must sign the back of the poem sheet. The goal is to read to as many different adults as possible, so only one signature per adult per night will be allowed. Also, only one signature per reading. For example, in order to get a signature from two people listening at the same time, the student would need to read the poem twice. Feel free to call relatives or family friends and your child can read to them over the phone! You can “sign” for that person. At the end of " The Great Poetry Race," students will participate in an optional Poetry Slam, and the students with the most signatures will receive recognition for their achievement!
Tuesday, Nov 29- Red Ribbon Day "Sock it to Drugs"
Wear red shirts and crazy socks
Wednesday, Nov 30- Walk for a Healthy Body Day
Walk-a-thon during P.E.
Wear jersey from any sport you participate in and uniform pants
Thursday, Dec 1- Healthy Spirit Day
Wear Campus School spirit shirt and jeans
U of M Marching Band
Friday, Dec 2- Confucius Classroom Dedication and Reception
Campus School Playroom: 8am