Sunday, October 30, 2011

Way to go Ms. Mitchell's class! You guys did a phenomenal job at Family Gathering! Thanks to all who were able to attend! Just a few reminders!
Tuesday, November 1 - Friday, November 11: CSPN Cookie Dough Fundraiser Thursday, November 3: Fall Fest 6:00pm Tuesday, November 8: Chick-Fil-A Night Thursday, November 17: Domino's Dough Night Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School) THINK SHOW AND FAMILY MATH NIGHT ON NOVEMBER 10th HAVE BEEN CANCELED In addtion to EPGY Math and Law, Reading Pus will need to be complete for Homefun as well. Reading Plus will be due on Fridays. Please note that lesson completed on Fridays and Saturdays WILL NOT COUNT toward Homefun. However student who wish to get extra reading comprehension practice may complete sessions any time they want. To access the program, follow these instructions: Go to Click on Student Login The site code is campusschool Click on Mitchell and find your name Your password is your EPGY number Make sure you complete the entire session I highly encourage all parents to have their children complete more than the minimum one lesson per week. This is an amazing test prep and reading comprehension program, and is the next best thing to having a free tutor in your home 24 hours a day! (If you do not have home access to the Internet, please send a note to class by Tuesday).
Our class did a phenomenal job last week at Family Gathering! Thanks to all who were able to attend! They looked amazing!
Just a reminder about a few upcoming events... Tuesday, November 1 - Friday, November 11: CSPN Cookie Dough Fundraiser Thursday, November 3: Fall Fest 6:00pm Tuesday, November 8: Chick-Fil-A Night Thursday, November 17: Domino's Dough Night Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School) Think Show and Family Math Night on November 10th have been cancelled. In addition to EPGY Math and LAW, Reading Plus will need to be completed by Thursday morning. Please note that lessons completed on Fridays or Saturdays WILL NOT COUNT toward Homefun. However, students who wish to get extra reading comprehension practice may complete sessions any time they want. To access the program, follow these instructions: Go to Click on Student Login. The site code is campusschool. Click on Shadow and find your name. Your password is your EPGY number. Make sure to complete the ENTIRE lesson. I highly encourage all parents to have their children complete more than the minimum one lesson per week. This is an amazing test prep and reading comprehension program, and is the next best thing to having a free tutor in your home 24 hours a day! (If you do not have home access to the Internet, please send a note to class by Tuesday).

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I hope that everyone enjoyed their Fall Break! I am excited to see everyone and get things rolling! Our class will be in charge of Family Gathering the week we return from Fall Break! We hope to see all of you Friday, October 29 at 8:00 as our class presents the life skill: Integrity! We are fortunate to have a new online reading program available to all 4-5th graders. The program is called Reading Plus. It will test your child's reading and vocabulary level and then create an intervention program to meet their needs. This program may be used at home anytime. To access it go to Click on Student Login. The site code is campusschool. (You will only need to enter this code once on any computer you choose to use.) Your child's password is his/her EPGY number. This program is user friendly and will become part of our weekly homefun.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Elmwood, Brooks, and Tiger Tour!!

Tiger Tour Last Friday, the students were rewarded with a Tiger tour! Each Tiger statue, which is based off the measurements of TOM II, is made of fiberglass and stands about 6 feet high, 3 feet wide, 9 feet long and weighs about 600 pounds. Brooks Museum Last Thursday, the fourth grade classes visited the Brooks Museum. In the gallery, students practiced communication skills when they analyzed paintings and discussed narrative and story sequencing. In the studio, students experimented with crayons and watercolor to create a three-part story sequence inspired by a painting in the museum's collection. Elmwood Cemetery is a journey through the past! Last Friday your children learned the history of Memphis through the stories of Elmwood residents. Our docent explained a stunning collection of monuments. The children also met the city fathers, early mayors and every day citizens that helped shape the history of the Bluff City.