Sunday, November 17, 2013

Healthy Choices Week and More......

Monday, November 18 – Red Ribbon Day

“Don’t Slip Into Drugs””
Wear red shirts, uniform pants and favorite slippers
CPR Demonstration for 4/5 grades in Playroom
1:30-2:00 (4th Grade)   2:00-2:30  (5th Grade)

Tuesday, November 19 – Drugs Are Unbearable
Bring teddy bear to school
Read-In (8:00-8:20)

Wednesday, November 20 – Healthy Spirit Day
“Band Together to be Healthy”
Wear Campus School Spirit shirt or Tiger Blue shirt and jeans
U of M Marching Band Pep Rally
Healthy Choices Drawing

Thursday, November 21 – Healthy Body Fair (Playroom)
“Put a Cap on Drugs”
Students wear their favorite hat or cap
Healthy Choices Drawing

Friday, November 22 – Healthy Body Fair (Playroom)
“Play Sports for a Healthy Body”
Students will wear uniform pants and a jersey from a sport they play
Healthy Choices Drawing

Bacon-Up Breakfast for Hunger
The Million Meals Challenge

Twenty-three percent of people in our region live in poverty, the highest in the nation! Working with the Mid-South Food Bank, the Campus School JOOI Club has put together a breakfast food drive titled: Bacon-Up Breakfast for Hunger. We are asking all families to donate breakfast items the week of November 18th through the 23rd.  Possible items to bring in include: cereal, breakfast bars, grits, oatmeal, and any other non-perishable breakfast item. All of our proceeds will go towards The Million Meal Challenge for the University of Memphis. For more information regarding The Million Meals Challenge please visit:  Please, help us help others!

Spirit T-Shirt Update
The order for the Spirit T-Shirt went to the printer yesterday so shirts should be delivered to us in about 2 weeks.  So we will probably not have them sorted until  the Mon/Tues after Thanksgiving.  We will attach your order form to your shirts and send them home in your child's backpack.  We will send another email out to let you know to be looking for them.  Sorry for the delay.

Moriah House
Mr. Shadow will be sending home information about our annual charity drive for Moriah House in the next few weeks.  He has a need for 16 large boxes to hold all the donations.  If you have any please bring them to his classroom.

Chick-fil-A Spirit Night
The Chick-fil-A at Mendenhall and Poplar has asked us to start doing a Spirit Night with them.  When you purchase food (dine in or take out) on our Spirit Day we get a percentage of the sales. 
Our first Campus School Night will be on Tuesday, November 19 from 3 PM to 7 PM.   We will have this event the third Tuesday of the month for the rest of the year.

Skate Night
Next Skate Night is Friday, November 22 from 5:15 to 7:15 PM at the Cordova Skate Center.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Independent Reading and Reminders

The Effects of Independent Reading on Reading Achievement

Research clearly shows that the reading of meaningful, connected text results in improved reading achievement (Anderson, Wilson, & Fielding, 1988; Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkerson, 1985; Elley & Mangubhai, 1983; Ingham, 1981; Taylor, Frye, & Maruyama, 1990).
In one of the most extensive studies of independent reading yet conducted, Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988) investigated a broad array of activities and their relationship to reading achievement and growth in reading. They found that the amount of time students spent in independent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement and also the best predictor of the amount of gain in reading achievement made by
students between second and fifth grade.
Among the many benefits of independent reading are the following:

Builds Fluency

Independent reading builds fluency. There is substantial evidence that unless students can accurately and effortlessly deal with the word-identification demands of reading, difficulties will result in comprehension and overall reading achievement (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974). There is also evidence that unless children read substantial amounts of print, their reading will remain laborious and limited in effectiveness (Allington, 1984; Stanovich, 1991). Finally, evidence exists which shows that when students do read substantial amounts of text, their reading performance improves (Bridge, Winograd, & Haley, 1983; Dowhower, 1987; Herman, 1985)
Increases Vocabulary

Independent reading leads to increased vocabulary development. One of the bbest-established relationships in the field of reading is the very significant relationship between vocabulary development and achievement in reading (Baumann & Kameenui, 1991; Nagy, 1988). There is also evidence that shows that independent reading is probably the major source of vocabulary acquisition beyond the beginning stages of learning to read (Nagy, Anderson, & Herman, 1987; Nagy, Herman, & Anderson, 1985). This same research shows that while the probability of acquiring the meaning of any specific word simply through reading it in the context in which it appears in independent reading materials is not high, students who read widely can learn the meanings of thousands of new words each year.

Builds Background

Independent reading builds background knowledge, or schema. Another extremely well-established research finding is that students' reading ability is dramatically influenced by the amount of interrelated information (schema) they have about the topic about which they are reading (Anderson & Pearson, 1984; Ausubel & Robinson, 1969; Bartlett, 1932). By reading widely, students are exposed to diverse topics and information which they can then use in future reading.


1) Yearbook
The Campus School Yearbook webpage is open for business:
* Or go to  and click on YEARBOOKS on the top-menu.
* Yearbook:  $25
* Upload photos:  FREE
* 5th Grade Ads:  Half page $75; Quarter page $45
* Business Ads:  Full page $200; Half page $125; Quarter page $75; Eighth page $40
* Purchases will include a $1.00 processing fee for each checkout.
* Both Business and 5th Grade Ads need to be purchased AND completed by February 28th.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kevin Dixon at

2) Kroger Rewards Card
Did you know that Campus School gets almost $1,000 a quarter from the Kroger Community Rewards Program?  Right now we only have about 60 families with their cards linked to Campus School.  We get a percentage of every dollar spent at Kroger if your card is linked to Campus School so please take the time to enroll.  Click on the link below to get started.  You will need your Kroger card, Campus Schools Id is 81249 and if you do not have an account on the Kroger web site you will have to create one.

3) Healthy Choices week will be the week before Thanksgiving--Nov. 18 through Nov. 22.

4) Middle School Parent Night will be Thurs. Dec. 5th at 6:00 in the playroom.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thankful It's November

 "November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring."

Elizabeth Coatsworth

Each student is to select a non-fiction book covering explorer or European colonization by Friday, November 8th.