Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Family,

How long? How far? How close? Your child is learning about measurement and how to estimate and measure lengths of all kinds of items and distances. Children are also learning to measure using fractions of an inch.Your child is using tools such as paper clips and rulers to measure.You and your child can explore linear measurement at home. Here is an activity you can do together.

Magazine Measurement

Materials: old magazines, scissors, glue, art paper

Step 1 Divide a sheet of art paper into 4 sections. Label each

section as shown below.

Step 2 Help your child look through old magazines and cut out

items that could be measured (in actual size) using one of the

units labeled on the paper.

Step 3 Have your child glue the items into their proper sections.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Community Map Project
The students were asked to create a community map and identify all of the areas and buildings that are payed for with taxes. They are doing a great job! I am looking forward to seeing and posting their finished product next week.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Off to a GREAT Start!

The students are off to a great start for the third quarter. I'm looking forward to what this new year has in store for us. Report cards go out this week, and we also have our quarterly Parent Coffee and Awards Assembly. Check out the Week at a Glance tab to stay up to date! All computer Homefun is back in full gear and is expected to be complete by Friday morning at 8:00. Information and pictures regarding the student's Citizen Project are also posted on the Week at a Glance tab.

CSPN is hosting an exciting new event in January and we need volunteers.

What: Family Fun Night
When: Thursday, January 24 from 5:45PM to 7:45PM
Why: Because January is a blah month full of Christmas bills and cold weather, so come to Campus School and have some FREE fun!
Theme: Career Night - Come find out what cool jobs your classmates' parents have!

Event Overview: Val Russell (Porter’s Mom) has volunteered to bring her amazing aerial group to Campus School and perform 3 shows for Family Fun Night. This is going to be a huge treat for all of us. While it may be hard to be as cool as Val’s aerial act we know we have lots of talented parent’s at Campus School and we want to share these talents with our kids. The plan is to have parents manning different career rooms so the kids can experience all types of careers during the evenings. So far we have the following rooms:

Airline Pilots (need/have 1 volunteer David)

Chefs (need)

Artist (need)

Journalist/Authors (need)

Gardening/Landscaping (have 2 volunteers Corrie/Joellen)
Computer Programming (need/have 1 volunteer Libby)
• Teachers/Professors (need/ have 1 volunteer Riki J.)

Please email Julie Nanney at to volunteer to help in one of the career rooms or have an idea for another room.  Also, you can sign up to help on the wiki link below.

Thanks in advance for your help in making this night possible.