Part of the students’ Homefun this week is to complete their
current persuasive writing assignment. All of the students must complete the
essay according to the outline below. The students have until Wednesday,
February 11th to turn in this assignment. The students’ work is
located in their Gaggle account, and I have attached their most recent
additions to this document as well. I have included their Gaggle usernames
below in case they forget. There are also step by step instructions to access
and submit their paper in case they forget. If for some reason the students are
unable to access their account, they can hand write the remainder of their
- Type in
- Click on the Gaggle icon
- Click Classes
- Choose the appropriate Homeroom Literacy
- On the left side of the page, click Assignments
- Click My Submissions
- Choose the most recent submission by date
- Save your document in Word
- Return to Gaggle
- Click Submit Assignment
- Click the paper clip icon
- You can either find your document to attach or drag and drop your document
- Submit by clicking the blue paper airplane icon
- If there are any problems re-submitting, you can email your work to Mrs. Cassidy.
- Introduction Paragraph
- HookDoes your opening sentence grab the reader’s attention?
- List three arguments that will be discussed in body.
- Thesis statementWhat is the main goal of your essay?
- Body
- Paragraph 2Discuss first argument.
- Paragraph 3Discuss second argument.
- Paragraph 4Discuss third argument.
- Counter Argument
- Explain counter argument.
- Prove it wrong.
- Conclusion
- Summarize topics discussed in essay.
- Write an ending statement that leaves the reader wanting more.